Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Morning Tug-of-War

SOLC Day 10 of 31

Many Saturday mornings I am ready to go the gym. At least, I have mentally prepared myself the night before so my resolve is in place. Often my daughter gives me a gentle push toward a certain class that we go to together through texts and calls. This morning I knew she wasn't going so it was almost license to just not go. Who would know?

As I laid in bed and later started moving through morning routines my mind kept tugging in two directions. I didn't know which would win.

I have lots to do today.
                                              Errands can probably be fit in one hour later.
I should probably shower first.
                                              And then go sweat and be on a mat?
I'm kind of tired.                                       
                                               They say exercise actually wakes you up.
Heather isn't going.                                  
                                                I really don't need a partner to do body flow.
It's snowing outside.                                
                                               The forecast is for sun a little later.
I feel like I look foolish in that class.
                                                So who's looking at me anyway?
I better feed the cat.
                                               Oh, he's already been fed.
I should vacuum first.
Where are my yoga pants and shirt?
                                                 Right on the shelf, ready to go.
I should have started earlier, I'm running late.
                                                 Get going!
In the car.
                                                         I win!


  1. Really a win-win because I got inspired and exercise won for me today,too!

  2. I want to win the battle, too. I haven't fought it in a long time. For me, the excuses still win. The clothes size is larger, and I'm not there yet. Thanks for your inspirational message, showing me that you win the battle with small steps over and over again.
