Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fingers and Toes Crossed

SOLC Day 22 of 31
My son did his undergraduate college  work 800 miles from home, his graduate work 300 miles from home. He and his wife then moved to the other coast, living and working in two different cities there.  About three years ago they got jobs at a University about 1100 miles from us and bought a lovely home.

Though we have missed them so much that sometimes it hurts, we have celebrated and  supported the dreams they have followed. Their accomplishments have made us proud. A parent wants to see their children happy in their choices and they have made good ones. We  cherish our two visits a year with them, one at their home and one at ours. During these times we share our lives and try to make up for lost time over a few days. We certainly would have welcomed more opportunities for visits but travel costs are high.

Over the last several months they have been exploring job opportunities at universities in  cities all over the country. Interviews have taken place and the cities visited. My heart lightened a few months ago when I heard that they had applied and an interview had been offered at the University in our town! I hardly dared to run the  film in my head of the holidays, dinners, and family events that would be shared if we were again in the same city.

The interview here went well, both parties were enamored with each other. Again I kept the film in its canister. Tonight we got a call from our son saying that a job for both him and my daughter in law had been offered! The University in our city and one in a city about 10 hours away are now the contenders for their new home and opportunities. The film came out of the canister and after a few moments of trying to be neutral, I let my excitement shout through the phone! 

Their decision will probably have to be made within a week, if not sooner. We would support whatever decision they make, knowing that they had given it careful thought, weighing all considerations to find the right balance. However, tonight I am sitting here on a cautious cloud with my fingers and toes crossed.


  1. My fingers are double crossed for you also.
    Your writing touched my heart as my daughter left for a city 9 hours away in January and my son will leave in 3 and 1/2 weeks for a school 12 hours away. Your post described the line we walk of encouraging following dreams, but wanting them near. Your anticipation shines through.

  2. I hope it all works out for them to be close to home again. You can't help but be excited. Now you'll have to keep us posted about the final decision. My fingers are crossed for you, too.

  3. Sue,
    Oh how wonderful it would be to have them close! I love the film lines, especially...again I kept the film in the canister. Hope they decide to make home here and if not it their second choice sounds closer. ~Theresa

  4. How exciting for you and for them! I hope they choose the one in your town! My husband and I are lucky enough to live very close to both of our parents (10 min from mine and 45 min from his) and we enjoy so many meals and events together. I love how you "hardly dared to run the film" inside your head -- a perfect description!
