Tuesday, March 8, 2011

SOLSC Day 8 of 31 The Honey Is Sweet

I am savoring the honey in my cup of tea. Each night I spoon out a little bit; this is no regular honey. It is  "Doctor B's Estate" honey. You won't have seen it at any grocery or gift store. It is special honey. The honey was taken from my son's hives in Nebraska. Though we live 18 hours away, my husband and I had the delight of visiting him and his wife this summer where we were introduced to the two hives that he had just built and the industriousness of those winged insects. As I donned the borrowed netted hat, I was able to see up close the black cluster of bees beating their wings as they provided temperature control at the entrance to the hive.

At the end of the summer, he harvested and bottled the honey. My daughter and I decided that we would like to give a jar of this family produced honey to special friends for Christmas. My son sent the carefully packaged jars to us and as industriously as the bees, my daughter designed the personalized labels. The name and design was decided upon after numerous emails, phone calls and texts across the miles.

My son is "Doctor B" (PhD, says proud mom) and the nectar for the amber treasure was gathered from the midwestern flowers around his new home. The honey is sweet and the warmth of the connection is as soothing as my cup of tea.


  1. I believe you are tasting the sweet taste of success in that special honey. You have the right to be an especially proud mom! PhD, very impressive!

  2. Thank you for your kind words! We are proud and wish they lived closer.
