Friday, March 18, 2011

SOLSC Day 18 of 31 Haiku

The Slice of LIfe Challenge has totally grabbed me, making me gravitate more than once a day to the two writing teachers' blog site, waiting to see the pieces of life people have shared. Though my days are very full, I've added to my day the search for the words to add to this community. I want to belong! Reading and hearing about the Japanese tragedy and thinking of the poetry form often associated with Japan, here is my first time to share a haiku.

Words now awaken
Slow germinating journey
Coming into light


  1. Beautiful! Perfect and precise!

  2. Hi Sue,

    Must have been a haiku day. I especially like slow germinating journey...a perfectly poetic line that could symbolize many things in life, especially writing.

    Celebrate a successful day and have a good weekend. ~Theresa

  3. Spring and writing process in one little gem. Nice slice!
