Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lucky Heart Beat

My heart has been beating more rapidly than it should for a long time. Trying to ignore it, I move faster throughout my day to drown it out. Finally I listened to my new cardiologist and scheduled a procedure that would hopefully make my heart comply with normalcy. Trembling inside, I approached the hospital today with my husband as my designated chauffeur to guide me home in the anticipated post anesthesia fog.

Trying to overcome my active imagination and mounting anxiety, I made polite conversation with the nurse as she showed me to the prepping area.  With the hospital gown on and my clothes stored in the stylish plastic bag, I waited for the nurse to return with the EKG machine. I casually mentioned to her that I thought that my heart felt calm today, beating its intended rhythmic beat. Much to my surprise and total delight, the EKG tape showed the proof of my heart behaving! I guess the new meds started two days ago had started their magic! As she went to confirm that I could gain an uneventful and early release, I noticed on the curtain defining my cubicle words embroidered into random panels. I know they are of the bumper sticker caliber but I wrote them down. To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. (Before the March challenge I probably would not have even had paper and a pen with me at this time!)

After a visit from the doctor, we were on our way! What a pleasant and unexpected change of events for the day with time to go out to lunch to celebrate!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SOL Jackpot!

Being more materialistic (wanting something tangible for my money) than a risk taker, I only infrequently purchase a lottery ticket. If, as I am paying for my groceries, I notice a loose dollar or two in my wallet, I might wheel my cart over to the lottery machines.  That is exactly what I did on Saturday. My dream is of the prize of a thousand dollars a week for the rest of my life. What a difference this sum would make to my life, I imagine! So I slid my two crinkled dollars into the machine. Rats! All my dream come true tickets are missing from the machine and the machine does not even think about giving me my money back. I pressed a random button, the title of which I had never heard. At the risk of sounding desperate, after loading my groceries into my car, I sat and read the directions for this unfamiliar game. Grabbing a dime, I started scratching away. Eight games, eight chances to win. One, two, three, four, five, I knew I should have saved my two dollars. Hmm??? Let me read those directions again. It said 5K means 5 times the indicated prize and I have a 5K. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Maybe it means two like figures and the 5K win. Well, I think they may have written the directions incorrectly. I decided to look at it again later. I drove home, put the groceries away then later headed back out. I really needed to check it out. Thinking I'll probably be embarrassed, I walked up to the lottery counter. When the girl's eyebrows went up and she said, "Wow!", I knew I had read the card right. I won $250! I was so excited as I left the store. It surely was better than the $2 prize I would normally have gotten excited about. I can't even imagine the reaction I would have if I ever won my dream prize. For now I'll just spend my winnings over and over in my head until I find just the right one! Several of my family members have offered to help. We'll see.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It seems that the sugary marshmallow treat known as the PEEP has become a part of our culture. I’m not sure why I chose to write about them since as of April I have only one day a week to slice! Maybe it has tickled my brain because it is silly and fun.

At lunch today one of the random turns of the conversation was to PEEPS. Colleagues were recalling their fond memories of these treats that seem to be either loved or loathed. Apparently someone’s mom opened the end of her many packages, letting the PEEPS dry out on the outside so as to emphasize the chewy marshmallow inside. After several months of this drying process, she passed some of these packages to her daughter who welcomed the treat! She even got thinking that she might still have some stashed at home from last year, which she was going to check out tonight. Another recalled serious experimentation where the PEEP was placed on a plate and put in the microwave for various amounts of time. We were assured that the resulting gooey, stretchy mass was delicious. Around the table we found that the “point” value had been calculated so that this faux poultry could be added to her daily food log.

After school I made a stop at a local store to add to the chocolate stash I keep for those in my building. The long aisle of pastel rainbow PEEPS caught my attention. I thought slice, phone, camera, picture…look what only one month of blogging has led me to do!

Purple, yellow, blue, pink, dipped in dark chocolate, sugar free; bunnies and chicks, the boxes were lined up in rows down a long aisle waiting to be taken home to add excitement to Easter baskets.

Doing a little Google snooping, I found that PEEPS have their own website filled with lore, recipes, toys, apparel and serenading music. Videos have been created about these creatures and diorama contests promoted.

So as not to be seen at only one time of year, these cuddly to the teeth treats have been molded into assorted seasonal shapes so that aficionados can enjoy them year round.

Maybe I should buy myself a package and see if I love them more than I remember. I certainly don’t want to miss out on a piece of our culture!